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Bainbridge for Judge!

Now that Bush has chosen to push the big red button and start recess appointments for federal judges, we can start the 'who to appoint next' speculations. A mere day before I was going to suggest him anyway, Professor Bainbridge threw his hat in the ring.

Of course, you can't really throw your hat in the ring for this kind of process, but you can try to get noticed. Bainbridge is a libertarian-leaning thinker who opposes judicial activism (except when he's talking about wine, when he's a judicial activist). He's tough on parents who travel with ill-behaved children, he's kind to his dog, and he knows more about vintages than I'm ever likely to learn. What more do you need?

So, here's a great blogosphere candidate for a recess appointment. I think all of us right-leaning libertarians should link to his blog entry where he volunteers for the post with the text Potential Recess Appointment for Judge. If you're not a right-leaning libertarian, link anyway: Bush isn't going to recess nominate one of your guys, so you might as well help us out.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Bainbridge for Judge!:

» I found my law clerk from ProfessorBainbridge.com
Now that Bush has chosen to push the big red button and start recess appointments for federal judges, we can start the 'who to appoint next' speculations. A mere day before I was going to suggest him anyway, Professor Bainbridge [Read More]

» Recess appointment: Bainbridge from Glorfindel of Gondolin
Bainbridge for Judge! As Anthony rightly says: "If you're not a right-leaning libertarian, link anyway: Bush isn't going to recess nominate one of your guys, so you might as well help us out." Might as well. Perhaps it'll come back... [Read More]

» Recess appointment: Bainbridge from Glorfindel of Gondolin
Bainbridge for Judge! As Anthony rightly says: "If you're not a right-leaning libertarian, link anyway: Bush isn't going to recess nominate one of your guys, so you might as well help us out." Might as well. Perhaps it'll come back... [Read More]


My blushes. You're too kind. Steve (PS: If I get appointed, you've got a job as my first law clerk.)
Doubt it would work out. I've still got two more years here, and by that time your tenure would be up, I think?
Actually, I'm not sure there's a requirement that a law clerk be a law school graduate. Besides, what are "they" going to do, impeach Prof. Bainbridge? (heh heh)
I don't think this will really be the big red button that Barnett was discussing. Only time will tell, of course. I sure hope he doesn't try and appoint Professor BeVier, I really like her class so far!
Tony, you're doing it wrong. If you link with the text 'bainbridge for judge' only people already looking for that will find it. Try 'nominee for judge' or 'best judge in america' or similar. I should warn you though, should this succeed the 'don't vote for Tony Rickey' pages are likely to return :-) (Is it too late to run you against Dubya?) M
I know, Martin, but I started the 'campaign' before I had the implicit approval of Professor Bainbridge. Therefore I didn't want to do anything too effective. ;) I'm thinking 'Nominee for Federal Judge' is the best search term, but I'm still looking into it. When I do, the article will change.

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