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Lots of Job Related Posts

Since my summer job search is still ongoing, I'm going to have a lot of job-related posts in the next few weeks--please bear with me. That said, I'll try to keep them amusing, instructive, or at least brief.

In the meantime, you can amuse yourself with the idea that Harvard will now have an official erotica magazine, complete with pictures of naked undergraduates. Where Harvard leads, can Columbia be far behind?

Actually, I hope we don't get our own version any time soon. Having a local porn mag will force too many lovestruck men here into humming 'My angel is a centerfold.' Then the 80's revival will be complete.

(Link via Jeremy at En Banc)

Update: The editors of the 'H Bomb' contend that they've been horribly misrepresented. Of course they're not a porn mag! To whit: "Both male and female students will appear nude in photography portions of the magazine, but that is not the main focus of the magazine. We aim to create a forum for an honest discussion of sex on campus."

Before mocking the 'yeah, sure, people will read it for the articles' defense, let's consider this seriously. Every college campus I've ever been on has not been short of discussions about sex. Indeed, a bundle of undergraduates away from home for the first time need nothing more than an illicit sip of beer as the vaguest excuse to talk about sex. But I've never seen the rarified and intellectual ivory tower that is Harvard. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe these men and women are so smart, so intent on their studies, so given to a life of the mind that they need several pages of nude classmates to get them to remember that they've got gonads.

You don't buy it either? Nope. It's a porn mag.


Hey, you young whippersnapper, you make it sound like 80s music is a bad thing! I like stuff from the 90s too, but if I had to choose only one decade of music to listen to, it would be the 80s hands down.
See, Prof. Yin, I lived through the 80's once. I don't need it to go into reruns. ;)
Man, the 80s were like, too electronic, bad drums and bad stuff. there are some good songs, but the majority is really bad. long live the 90s and the oldies. forever. visit my website:)
Ahh, I have an irrational attachment to "Here I go again" by Whitesnake, so I'm not touching the 80's v. 90's music issue. The job hunt for internships really sucks, not only is the competition fierce, at least for me, the few networking connections that I hope to use scream croynism.

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D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


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