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Abortion Makes Strange Bedfellows?

File this under Red/Blue State Confusion, or maybe "Tony Woke Up In the Twilight Zone Today." I rarely look at National Review Online anymore, but when I just surfed over there looking for some data for a new website, I found:

Chris Rock was right about abortion�s side-effects. The headline reads, "Rock On: Chris Rock Hits On A Profound Truth".

(Head spinning.) National Review Online endorses Chris Rock. I'm sure NRO is taking Rock's words out of context or something--I can't stand Rock, so I'm not tempted to go find out. But... Chris Rock praised in National Review? I look forward to more such articles, such as William F. Buckley advising Janet Jackson on style advice for nipple shields.

Has some similar shock balanced this unconservative yin with unliberal yang? Perhaps Howard Dean came out today endorsing the Bush budget plan? Truly, the world has turned upside down.


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» Looks More Like a Hundred K, Tops from Half the Sins of Mankind
It's as wonderfully ignorant as I expected, reminding me of a National Review bit (not by Gallagher) purporting to agree with Chris Rock on abortion while taking him breathtakingly out of context. [Read More]


I assume you didn't read the article. "Abortion, it's beautiful, it's beautiful abortion is legal. I love going to an abortion rally to pick up women, cause you know they are f*!@*%g," Rock said during his club routine. Whether Rock is pro-life or pro-choice, whether he intended to use satire or really believes what he said, is beside the point. What's "beautiful" is that Chris Rock has exposed a profound side effect of legalized abortion � the sexual mistreatment of women."
Tim: I did. And yeah, it seems to be an overstatement of what Rock was trying to say, or adding a great deal of meaning that wasn't there. But look--it's hardly an original idea. Saying, 'See, even Chris Rock says so' holds fantastically little point. And it's National Review endorsing Chris Rock. Whatever the position, it's a bit strange to see.

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