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Welcome to the Blogosphere

...to Plausible Deniability, an anonymous law student blog announcing itself with an attempt to win friends and influence people:

I'm a bit late to the law student blogging trend, in part b/c I'm unfashionable, but mostly out of good judgment. It seems that most JD blogs are either boring, obnoxiously self-congratulatory narrative resumes...or worse, bitter invective aimed at the erstwhile student's future colleagues and clients. There are a few notable exceptions, sure, but in general the rule is that blogs are either boring or ill-advised. Hopefully mine will tend toward the latter. Hopefully the randomly generated name will throw you off my true identity! :-)

Given the anonymity, the seeming irony, and making one's sole positive reference to a work of fiction, it's difficult to tell if PD is a parody blog. But who knows, maybe it's the next big thing, so here's a link.

In other news, blogging will be light until this weekend. The winter storms have finally done me in, and I've developed a beautiful, chesty cough just before I have to hold my TA session. After that, I'm probably not going to be good for much today.

Much has happened this week, though: I've seen The Gates, finished up a few major projects, and met some personal milestones. For some reason, this week I've had a hard time living life and blogging about it at the same time.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Welcome to the Blogosphere:

» Weekly Law School Roundup #50 from Notes from the (Legal) Underground
This Week: The Joyce Carol Oates Edition, In Which Your Editor Conducts the Weekly Round-Up While Simultaneously Picking and Choosing Titles from JCO's Pages-Long Oeuvre The Tattooed Girl Whenever she catches a glimpse of it, she smiles! [divine angst]... [Read More]


I want to make it absolutely clear that that is not my blog. Altho' the second post is worthy. TtP
I'm glad you like my blog. Perhaps it was impolitic of me to start out with a tossed gauntlet. But as they've discovered in the hip hop world, nothing helps sales like a mean-spirited rivalry!
Oh, snap! Oh no you di'unt! Sorry, just doing my part.

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Giving The Devil His Due

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Choose Stylesheet

What I'm Reading

D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


Projects I've Been Involved With

A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care (A new round-the-world travel blog, co-written with my wife)
Parents for Inclusive Education (From my Clinic)

Syndicated from other sites

The Columbia Continuum
Other Blogs by CLS students