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Peppermint Zen

Since agonizing over which MP3 player to buy earlier this year, I've become quite fond of my eventual purchase, the nicely-tiny Creative Zen Micro. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with quite the range of accessories made for the more popular iPod, and in particular the cases you can buy to protect it from falls and scratches are pretty feeble.

On the other hand, it does seem to have a very dedicated userbase with an ingeniously creative bent. The niftiest proposal in build-your-own case technology? A dremel, a little felt, and a tin of Altoids. I'm taking a quick trip back to see the family pretty soon, and they've got a workshop. Maybe soon I can be keeping my Zen with the mints made infamous by Clinton/Lewinsky sexplay. (I wonder if there's a commemorative-edition tin?)

(For all the Mac-addicts out there, apparently Japanese DIY-tech is keeping pace with Frisk Mint cases for the iPod shuffle.)

links via Gizmodo


My wife uses her Sony Clie handheld computer to play her mp3 collection. Of course it's also her pocket camera, notepad, browser, chat device, etc. This is now her second semester with it and she would not go back to a standalone mp3/music player now, as she hates having tons of devices. But yeah, the iPods have nice accessories, not sure who's cool addons cost more, Sony's or Apple's!
I know nothing about hardward, but I highly recommend http://www.acidplanet.com for the content-side community of your "userbase with an ingeniously creative bent." Reg'n req'd, regr't'ly.
Grr. "Hardware," rather.

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