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Mo'Blogging Open Thread

As you might have guessed from looking around here, I'm a real devotee of Pocket PCs, a habit I picked up after doing an online marketing project for one of the larger manufacturers back before I came to law school. Actually, I think the project was pretty critical in forming my mobility addiction. There's a steep learning curve with PPCs, from getting used to handwriting recognition, a particularly curious (and not always friendly) interface, and merely developing the habit of carrying around the device. Nevertheless, once you overcome these hurdles, the flexibility and speed of the PPC makes its use second nature.

Besides scheduling and tasking, my PPC now functions as a portable music player, Japanese-English dictionary, and Chinese language learning tool. (I may end up in Hong Kong for part of the summer.) When I'm in the deep recesses of some strange library looking for some strange book, the PPC can connect to the law review's source list or Columbia's online libraries thanks to a wireless connection. But the one thing I've not done with it yet is blog.

So here's a question: anyone know some good mobile blogging clients for MoveableType? I'd appreciate any experiences, tips, or tricks you might have, because I don't have time to research new technology at the moment.

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Giving The Devil His Due

And like that... he is gone (8)
Bateleur wrote: I tip my hat to you - not only for ... [more]

Law Firm Technology (5)
Len Cleavelin wrote: I find it extremely difficult to be... [more]

Post Exam Rant (9)
Tony the Pony wrote: Humbug. Allowing computers already... [more]

Symbols, Shame, and A Number of Reasons that Billy Idol is Wrong (11)
Adam wrote: Well, here's a spin on the theory o... [more]

I've Always Wanted to Say This: What Do You Want? (14)
gcr wrote: a nice cozy victorian in west phill... [more]

Choose Stylesheet

What I'm Reading

D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


Projects I've Been Involved With

A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care (A new round-the-world travel blog, co-written with my wife)
Parents for Inclusive Education (From my Clinic)

Syndicated from other sites

The Columbia Continuum
Other Blogs by CLS students