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I'm going to have to appeal to my readers for help, because I'm tearing my hair out over something that must be an easy fix. As you've probably noticed, Lawdork has moved to a new site. He's running MoveableType, and has a standard RSS implementation. Nonetheless, I can't get his RSS feed to show up in my blogroll.

I've checked, and his his XML validates, so that doesn't seem to be the problem. And the rest of my RSS feeds are functioning fine. His just won't show up.

His RSS file is here. For comparison, my RSS 2.0 file (which works) is here, and my list of feeds is here. If there's anyone with an idea of what's going on, please tell me: I'm officially stumped.


Hmmm... well, in your feeds text, you have: http://www.chrisgeidner.com/blog/index.xml and his feed is at: http://www.chrisgeidner.com/blog/index.rdf Different file extentions on the RSS XML file... Hope that fixes it!
Actually, I've tried both extensions: one is an RSS 1.0 feed (the RDF) and the other is a 2.0 feed (the XML). Neither work, although similar feeds of both types parse from other sites. So that's not it...
Hmmm... that *is* a stumper!

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D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


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